Dear valued stakeholder, please note that our telephone line 031 365 7800 is temporarily unavailable. During this period, you can reach us on 031 355 0710


PRSA Valuation of Assets Tender
 and has also been cancelled.

Bid Number: PRSA 001-IND-DEV-001-2013

Prospective service providers are invited to submit bids to conduct valuations of specified National Port Authority (“the Authority”) assets that form part of the Authority’s Regulated Asset Base (RAB). The Regulator requires that a valuation be performed on each of the specified assets and that a valuation be determined for each asset in accordance with the following valuation approaches:

  • Depreciated Original Cost
  • Depreciated Optimised Replacement Cost
  • Trended Original Cost
  • Optimised Deprival Value

The specified assets that are to be valued are:

Port of Durban

  • Channel Centre
  • Channel Entrance – Widening and Deepening

Port of Richard’s Bay

  • Channel Entrance Inner Harbour
  • Basin Bulk Cargo Berths
  • Channel Entrance

Port of Ngqurha

  • Entrance Channel and Basin
  • Eastern Breakwater

Port of Port Elizabeth

  • Harbour Basin and Channel

Cape Town

  • Basin, Ben Schoeman Dock
  • Basin, Duncan Dock

Please contact Atiyah Bhabha on +27 (31) 365 7800 or email for any enquiries about this closed and cancelled tender.

The Ports Regulator of South Africa is committed to the provisions of the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act, 5 of 2000 [PDF, 86 KB], the Public Finance Management Act, 1 of 1999 [PDF, 648 KB], the Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment Act, 53 of 2003 [PDF, 338 KB], and the Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2 of 2000 [PDF, 900 KB].