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Economic Regulation

Review of the Tariff Methodology 2019/20

Consultation outcome

On 6 March 2020, the Ports Regulator of South Africa published the final Port Tariff Methodology for Tariff Years 2021/22 – 2023/24 (PDF, 818 KB).

   Port Tariff Methodology for Tariff Years 2021/22 – 2023/24 [PDF, 818 KB]

Responses to the Draft Tariff Methodology

  AMD [PDF, 675 KB]

  Grain SA [PDF, 400 KB]

  NAAMSA [PDF, 263 KB]

 NPA [PDF, 42 KB]

  NPA [PDF, 1.1 MB]

 NPCC [PDF, 450 KB]

  SAASOA [PDF, 280 KB]

Original consultation summary

The Ports Regulator of South Africa has embarked on a process to review the Multi-Year Port Tariff Methodology. The details of the Methodology and proposed Guidelines are set out within the document below.

Interested parties’/port users are hereby invited to submit comments to the Ports Regulator of South Africa. Comments should reach the Ports Regulator by close of business on Monday 3 February 2020.

Public engagement

An invitation is hereby extended to port users and interested parties to attend a public engagement on the proposed Methodology. The engagement is scheduled to be held on 5 February 2020 at AHA Gateway Hotel, Umhlanga from 9am to 1pm.

The Agenda will provide an opportunity to the National Ports Authority, as well as other port users/interested parties to make oral representations to both the Regulator and the public. All presentations must concern the proposed Methodology. An opportunity will also be provided for attendees to engage in a Q&A on the current draft methodology.

Interested parties who wish to register for attendance or to register for the opportunity to present must submit their request to Email: 


 no later than 1 February 2020. All registered presenters will be provided with a 15 minute slot.

Process timeline

1. 9 September 2019 A call for public comments on the Tariff Methodology
2. 4 November 2019 Comments close
3. 29 November 2019 Draft Methodology published for comment
4. 1 February 2020 Registration for attendance and presentations close
5. 3 February 2020 Submission of comments close
6. 5 February 2020 Public engagement, AHA Gateway Hotel, Umhlanga, 9am – 1pm
7. 6 March 2020 Final approved Tariff Methodology published

Documents and forms

  Addendum: Proposed Tariff Methodology for Tariff Years 2021/22 – 2023/24 [PDF, 67 KB]

  Draft Port Tariff Methodology For Tariff Years 2021/22 – 2023/24 for comment [PDF, 395 KB]

  Discussion document [PDF, 290 KB]

  Reference documents – Tariff Methodology

Public engagement stakeholder presentations

  AMD [PDF, 158 KB]

  Competition Commission [PDF, 477 KB]

  ECMBC [PDF, 345 KB]

  NAAMSA [PDF, 655 KB]

  NPA [PDF, 755 KB]

  NPCC [PDF, 662 KB]

  Ports Regulator [PDF, 262 KB]

  UKZN Chasomeris [PDF, 500 KB]